


作者,許廷訓,台灣中油公司(Taiwan cpc petroleum )服務,












Nov. 2013, Monthly journal report of 1st branch of OIL LABOR UNION in Kaohsiung Taiwan CPC. By Mr. Hsu Ting XUN, serve in Taiwan CPC, now is the part time TA for the HIGH-PRESSURE SPECIFIC GAS training class, a class which trains all the new employees in CPC.

In the HIGH PRESSURE training class, I ever asked more than 100 members from all different departments and branches of CPC TAIWAN., “If you were sprayed or poured by sulfuric acid, what would you do!?” The answer is 100% in unison “Rinse with great amount of water!” You know, 80% of these members graduated from universities. They all did say so. Hearing the answer, I on the spot told them “If you did so, you were destined to die ugly”This is why I insist to make it public.
Nowadays in Kaohsiung plant, all where there is sulfuric acid or alkali, as well as all the bulletin boards [material safety sheets]shows: “Rinse with great amount of water while sprayed by sulfuric acid” But is this statement appropriate and accurate!?If not, why for decades nobody doubted!? And we were all taught so by chemistry teachers in labs of schools?
Before, I ever sprayed by sulfuric acid leaking from the needle hole of a corrosivepipe. I felt like a burning torch accessing my face. It’s extremely hot. I surely realizedit wassulfuric acid, but I couldn’t spot where the leaking hole was. I had to leave right at that moment. The step took first was to wipe my sprayed face with the clean part of my clothes then, rinsedit with water for 5-10 minutes. But on earth, what makes the difference with the way you rinsedwithout wiping it clean first!?
Years ago in Kaohsiung plant, a sulfuric acid transporting truck’s exporting pipeline burst because of pressure while vented sulfuric acid into the tank. Two men were sprayed. Yet later on, one man [the driver] was not serious, while another one had to be hospitalized andgrafted, leading a crying miserable life for ten months. Why such a big contrast! The reason is right at thatmoment, the driver completely calmed himself down, ripped all his dressing off then, wipedsulfuric acid with the clean cotton that he used to prepare ahead, then rinsedwith water the last. As to the other man, he was crying and screaming in panic all the way till someone found him and helpedrinse with great amount of water. Here the key problem is: Water or NOT WATER firstdefinitely matter a lot! It was so urgent, what made such a big difference? You know the boiling point of sulfuric acid is 338centigrade degree while water only 100. When water meetssulfuric, water begins to
boil and produce heatas reaction. Sulfuric acid, along with protein and fat, rapidly facilitates[R-C-NH2] hydrolysisandEster hydrolysis, further todecompose bio- tissue, causing the chemical burns. Its strong corrosion to body dorelate toits strong dehydration.Sulfuric acid can cause dehydration reaction when it meets the carbohydrate of bio-tissue then, release great amount of heat to causechemical burns. So for anybody sprayed by sulfuric acid, the accurate approach is to calm down,immediatelywipe off acid with clean cotton or paper available [this is to minify or reduce the sulfuric acid on skin] ,then rinse 5-10 minutes. The worst resultcan only be one grade burn.
Afterwards, I met Mr. X, a tank driver who served in a chemistry company in DAFA INDUSTRIALZONE. I asked what he would do if he met same situation. The answer was completely the same approach. Then why he didn’t make it public? His answer was“I am just a driver, can any high ranking officer listen to my opinion!?” I was totally speechless.
He gave three examples to illustrate three different results caused by the diverse handling procedure:[a]. One tour bus bumped into sulfuric acid- loading truck on the ZHONGSHAN national freeway. The tank broke down. So did the window shield of the tour bus. Acid sprayed onto the bus driver’s eyes. The lady tour guide spontaneouslyrinsed his eyes with bottle water. The eyes were washed, but ruined.[b].This accident happened in THE PROCESSING ZONE. When an acid tank vented, the venting pipeline burst [pipelinebeing brittle after long use.][Material of pipe is plastic or rubber, or how long it has been used not known]. An either curious or ignorant manager walked close to the tank and unfortunately he was sprayed. Thanks to the well experienced tank driver, he immediately ripped off all the manager’s dressing, wiped his body clean, thenrinsed with water. About 10 days in hospital, he returned home without big problem. [c].In a sulfuric acid producing
company, two workers sprayed by the broken pipeline. One was managed under accurate approach, yet another one was not so lucky. He, with the help of the stunned people around, directly rinsed the body. What’s the result!? Miserable and severely!! He kept hospitalized for long,even the morphine prescribed by doctor couldn’tkill his pain, recalled the poor worker.
Before this article came public, I did an experiment [wearinghelmet with mask, rubber gloves, goggle and raincoat].I bought some chopped pigskin 20×10,nailedthemontowood . After pouring acid, I observed the wipedand not wiped pigskin, and the result was obvious at aglance. So if sprayed by acid or alkali, wipe clean first, then rinse. This is the life-saving approach.
If we pour thick sulfuric acid into water, quietly and gradually the water will be getting hot, and will not splash. When thick sulfuric acid mixes with water, chemical reaction happens, producing hydrate and at the same time releasing big amount of heat. The heat released by 1kg thick sulfuric acid hydrating with water can lead to a sudden rise of temperature of 2kg cold water to100 centigrade degree.
Thick sulfuric acid looks like oil, but actually it is heavier than water by 1.9 times, and heavier 1 time than water of same volume. Obviously, if we pour water into thick sulfuric acid, water will float on the acid.Chemical reaction happens, water will violently be getting hot, and splash all over. ON the contrary, if we pour thick sulfuric acid into water, the effect differs. It is heavier than water, it will gradually sink into bottom and distribute in each part of liquid, so the reacting heat is distributed in the liquid in average. The temperature rises slowly and slowly, the water will not be getting hot rapidly andfuriously. Here, I sincerely suggest that all labs and chemistry departments in schools or all companies where sulfuric acid and alkali are used should amend all bulletin boards [material safety sheets]. Where there is sulfuric acid or alkali, cotton[no chemical fiber cloth] should be readily prepared. Especially, DALIN plant has the
alkylation workplace of sulfuric acid [Sulfuric acid or hydrofluoric acid as a catalyst in processing]. It should have to be well prepared, because all the pipelines absolutely should be leaking where and there after 10 or 20 years, unless they are all updated.
RE: parts of this article took wiki and internet for reference. Great thanks to Mr. Wang Jin-bo, industrial safety division, and Mr. Yang Yao- kun, the leading foremanof 7thsulfur, for their guidance and correction. Welcome friends all over the world translating it into kinds of languages to help those in need. And don’t hesitate to write me if necessary for more understanding and interpretation.

Thanks sister melody translation

關鍵字 KEYWORD #強酸,強鹼,處理,噴到
