SP961保函 , Letter of Indemnity and Certificate for Special Provision 961 of the IMDG Code

SP961保函 , Letter of Indemnity and Certificate for Special Provision 961 of the IMDG Code

Letter of Indemnity and Certificate for Special Provision 961 of the IMDG Code

Name of the Shipper:
Booking No:
Container number:
Commodity Name:

We hereby confirm that the commodity offered for the shipment above complies with the requirements of IMDG CODE special provision 961:

1 – Internal combustion engines with a fuel tank attached and vehicles powered by a flammable liquid fuel with a flashpoint less than 38°C, the fuel tank(s) are empty and installed batteries are protected from short circuit. The internal combustion engines or vehicle are considered to be empty of flammable liquid fuel when the fuel tank has been drained and the vehicle cannot be operated due to a lack of fuel. Engine components such as fuel lines, fuel filters and injectors do not need to be cleaned, drained or purged to be considered empty. The fuel tank does not need to be cleaned or purged.

2 – Internal combustion engines, vehicles powered by a flammable liquid fuel with a flashpoint of 38°C or above, there are no leaks in any portion of the fuel system, the fuel tank(s) contains 450 L of fuel or less and installed batteries are protected from short-circuit.

3 – Internal combustion engines with an attached fuel tank and vehicles powered by a flammable gas (liquefied or compressed), the fuel tank(s) are empty and the positive pressure in the tank does not exceed 2 bar, the fuel shut-off or isolation valve is closed and secured, and installed batteries are protected from short circuit.

4 – Vehicles or battery powered equipment solely powered by a wet or dry electric storage battery or a sodium battery, and the battery is protected from short circuit.

5 – Internal combustion engines powered by a flammable liquid or flammable gas have been cleaned, drained and purged of all flammable liquids and gases or the engine has been sealed to prevent leakage of any residues.

6 – Fuel cell engines are protected from inadvertent operation by closing fuel supply lines or by other means and the fuel supply reservoir has been drained and sealed. The fuel supply reservoir does not need to be cleaned or purged.

We hereby confirm that the e-version of this LOU has the same legal effect as that of the original.
We hereby also confirm that the commodity loaded is considered as not dangerous.

Date of issue:

Signature and company stamp :

我們在此確認,上述裝運的貨物符合《國際海運危險貨物規則》(IMDG CODE)第961條特別規定的要求:

  1. 對於附有油箱的內燃機和使用閃點低於38°C的易燃液體燃料驅動的車輛,油箱為空,且已安裝的電池受到短路保護。內燃機或車輛被認為已無易燃液體燃料,當油箱已被排空且由於缺乏燃料導致車輛無法操作時。燃油管路、燃油篩檢程式和噴油器等發動機部件不需要清潔、排空或清除即可視為已排空。油箱不需要清潔或清除。
  2. 對於使用閃點為38°C或以上的易燃液體燃料驅動的內燃機或車輛,燃油系統的任何部分均無洩漏,油箱中含有450升或以下的燃料,且已安裝的電池受到短路保護。
  3. 對於附有油箱且使用易燃氣體(液化或壓縮)驅動的內燃機和車輛,油箱為空,且油箱內的正壓力不超過2Bar巴,燃料關閉或隔離閥已關閉並固定,且已安裝的電池受到短路保護。
  4. 僅由濕式或幹式蓄電池或鈉電池驅動的車輛或電池驅動設備,且電池已受到短路保護。
  5. 使用易燃液體或易燃氣體驅動的內燃機已清潔、排空並清除所有易燃液體和氣體,或發動機已密封以防止任何殘留物的洩漏。
  6. 燃料電池發動機已通過關閉燃料供應管道或其他方式防止意外操作,且燃料供應儲罐已排空並密封。燃料供應儲罐不需要清潔或清除。