Date of issuance: DD/MM/YYYY

From: (We, Us, Our)
[Insert full company name, address of registered office]
Duly represented by:

[insert name of representative]

To: [insert name of the carrier issuing the B/L : CMA CGM SA, CMA CGM AS; ANL….] (Carrier, You, Your)
C/O Messrs………as agents of [insert name of the carrier CMA CGM SA, CMA CGM AS, ANL….]


POD…………………………… FPD………………………..

B/L N° ……………………… (the “Bills of Lading”)

Goods Description …………………. (the “Goods”)

Dear Sirs,

The Goods will be shipped by Messrs [insert name of shipper]………………………. and consigned to Messrs [insert name of consignee]……………… and in consideration of You accepting carriage of the Goods, in our capacity as [shipper / consignee (delete as appropriate)] of the Goods:

  1. We hereby declare and certify that:

(a) the Goods are fit for ocean carriage and can safely be carried by You in the type of Container Transport Unit (dry, reefer or other) chosen by Us;
(b) the State of Charge (SoC) of any battery(ies) inside the Goods at the time of stuffing the Container Transport Unit has been adjusted to allow their safe carriage for the duration of the sea voyage;
(c) the Goods including any batteries inside are capable of safely withstanding elevated temperatures which We recognise may exceed 60°C or 140°F during long periods of time;
(d) the Goods are undamaged, have not been involved in any sort of accident, were manufactured less than 7 years ago and any battery(ies) inside the Goods are both free from defect and less than 7 years old;
(e) the goods is not second hand and it is not damaged.


  1. We hereby agree and undertake that:

(a) We will indemnify and hold harmless the Carrier as well as its underwriters, subsidiaries, agencies, sub-contractors and all their representative directors and employees for all losses, claims, costs, expenses, actions, proceedings, suits, demands and liabilities whatsoever arising out of or in connection with any failure to comply with any of the terms of article 1 above and/or more generally arising out of the carriage of the Goods;
(b) Our obligations and those of each and every person/entity under this indemnity including any of our affiliates shall be irrevocable and unconditional in any and all circumstances and shall not be subject to any reduction, offset, deduction, or allegation of counterclaim or stay of execution for any reason whatsoever.

We confirm having read and accepted without reservation the terms and conditions of the CMA CGM bill of lading which are located on the CMA CGM Web site at the following address http://www.cma-cgm.com/products-services/shipping-guide/bl-clauses and that the carriage of the Goods shall be subject to those terms and conditions including, but not limited to, any rights, defences, exceptions, limitations and liberties of the Carrier contained therein.

We confirm that no statement relating to the contents, quality, description, cargo custom’s reference or value of the Goods shall increase your liabilities or responsibilities under the Bills of Lading nor exempt or limit in any way Our responsibilities and liabilities to You nor those of any party liable under this letter of indemnity.

This letter of indemnity shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law and each and every person liable hereunder shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tribunal de commerce of Marseille, France. Notwithstanding the foregoing, We agree that You shall also be entitled to institute proceedings against any person liable hereunder in the courts having jurisdiction in the place where any person liable hereunder has its registered office.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Authorised Signatory Company Official Stamp

Full Name of Authorised Signatory


寄件者:(我們) [填寫公司全名,註冊辦公室地址]
收件人: 填寫提單簽發承運人的名稱:CMA CGM SA,CMA CGM AS,ANL…. 轉交:Messrs………作為 [填寫承運人名稱:CMA CGM SA,CMA CGM AS,ANL….] 的代理
卸貨港:…………………………… 最終目的港:………………………..
提單號:……………………… (以下稱為“提單”)
貨物描述:…………………. (以下稱為“貨物”)
貨物將由 [填寫發貨人名稱] ………………………. 發運,並轉運至 [填寫收貨人名稱]………………。作為承運人接受承運貨物的對價,作為貨物的[發貨人/收貨人(刪除不適用項)],我們在此聲明並證明:

  1. 我們在此聲明並證明:
    (a) 貨物適合海運,並且可以安全地由承運人使用我們選擇的集裝箱運輸單元(乾貨、冷藏或其他)運輸; (b) 在集裝箱運輸單元裝箱時,貨物內的任何電池的充電狀態(SoC)已調整到可以保證其在海上航行期間的安全運輸; (c) 貨物,包括貨物內的任何電池,能夠安全承受較高溫度,我們認識到在長時間內,溫度可能會超過60°C或140°F; (d) 貨物沒有損壞,未曾發生過任何事故,生產日期距今不超過7年,貨物內的任何電池均無缺陷且生產日期距今不超過7年; (e) 貨物為全新,未曾損壞。
  2. 我們在此同意並承諾:
    (a) 我們將對承運人及其承保人、子公司、代理機構、分包商及其所有代表董事和員工因未能遵守上述第1條的任何條款和/或更廣泛的因貨物運輸引起的所有損失、索賠、費用、開支、訴訟、程式、訴訟、要求和責任進行賠償並使其免受損害; (b) 我們在本賠償書下的義務以及我們所有相關人員/實體的義務,包括我們的任何關聯公司,均為不可撤銷且無條件的,並在任何情況下不得減少、抵消、扣減或因任何理由提出反訴或中止執行。
    我們確認已閱讀並無保留地接受CMA CGM提單的條款和條件,該條款和條件可通過以下網址訪問:http://www.cma-cgm.com/products-services/shipping-guide/bl-clauses,並確認貨物的運輸將受這些條款和條件的約束,包括但不限於承運人在其中規定的任何權利、抗辯、例外、限制和自由。
    授權簽字人簽名 公司官方印章