


紐西蘭「郵報」(The Post)於11月16日在報紙及網路媒體刊登我駐紐西蘭代表處歐江安代表投書「國際刑警組織之漏洞」(INTERPOL gap)文章。歐江安呼籲,跨國犯罪日新月異,網路詐騙、人口販賣、恐怖主義、網路散播暴力等層出不窮,是各國共同挑戰;建構無縫的國際警察聯盟才能有效打擊跨國犯罪,而台灣被排除在國際刑警組織之外,將使全球治安防護網產生漏洞,讓跨國組織犯罪集團有隙可乘;唯有摒除政治干擾,各國執法單位才能分享關鍵資訊、合作互助,更有效打擊犯罪。
歐江安引用紐西蘭於2019年發起的「基督城倡議」(Christchurch Call)指出「全球問題需要全球解方」,並強調台灣已遭國際刑警組織排拒長達39年之久;即使台灣是全球最安全國家之一,因無法取得INTERPOL全球緊急 I-24/7通訊系統資訊,面對國際組織型犯罪顯得脆弱。例如我國人被跨國犯罪集團誘騙到柬緬等地遭囚禁,2022年我國雖通報國際刑警組織卻未獲回覆,僅能與國際夥伴合作,成功營救478位受害者。

國際刑警組織差距 Interpol GAP


打擊跨國犯罪的主要國際組織是國際刑警組織,定於 11 月 28 日召開大會。

台灣被排除在國際刑警組織之外已有39年了。儘管台灣被評為世界上最安全的國家之一,但由於無法使用國際刑警組織的犯罪情報 I-24/7 系統,因此很容易受到攻擊。




Joanne Ou,台灣駐紐西蘭代表


Interpol gap

Today we are facing new forms of transnational crimes, from online scams, human trafficking, terrorism to internet-facilitated extreme violence. Since organised crimes transcend borders, as the Christchurch Call well put it: “Global problems require global solutions.”

The main international organisation tackling transnational crime is Interpol, scheduled to convene its Assembly on November 28.

Taiwan has been excluded from Interpol for 39 years now. Even ranked as one of the safest countries in the world, Taiwan’s lack of access to Interpol’s criminal intelligence I-24/7 System leaves it vulnerable.

In 2022, Taiwan collaborated with international partners to rescue 478 people held captive by Cambodia and Myanmar criminal syndicates, while Interpol was indifferent to its requests.

A busy hub for international trade, with massive daily flows of people, goods and capital, risks remain tantamount for Taiwan. Without the island nation’s participation, global crime prevention network poses a gap; excluding Taiwan creates a loophole letting criminals have their way.

Only establishing a seamless police alliance, we can successfully combat transnational crimes. Our law enforcement officers can best work without political obstruction; after all, sharing crucial information and providing timely assistance can make a difference in saving the lives of many.

Joanne Ou, Representative of Taiwan in New Zealand